There are already 4 parts of the World Time Attack free competition in front of you, it takes 10 days until 13.02.2024 until 6 pm, applications in the post below, lettersWrite your psn name, the results will be announced every day or on another day, in this competition you can choose your best gr4 car, we recommend the Toyota Supra. 🔥
Add psn playgame81 to compete 🏁
👉 Pa smo že na 4 delu World Time Attack, free tekmovanja, za tekmovanj dodaj psn ime playgame81, v postu spodaj dopiši svoj psn ime in se prijavljaš na novo free tekmovanja.
Trenutni časi, vozila Gr4, priporočamo Toyota Supra.
Tekmovanja traja 10dni , do 13.02.2024 do 18h in dobimo najhitrejše dobitnike v tem delu vsi prijavljeni tudi v žreb za posebno nagrado 🚧 (Official)